I gave a talk in Sacramento last night sponsored by the Veritas Club. It was a wonderful time. I was giving a talk on the Theological Virtue of Faith which they seemed to appreciate a lot. I was deeply grateful for the oportunity to join them for a fun night of faith and fellowship.
Catholic young adult groups are a beautiful leaven in society and in the Church. These young people take time out of their busy professional day to come together for fellowship and to learn more about the Faith. But it's not just young adult groups. There are so many types of Catholic clubs, orginazaations, groups, Third Orders, confraternities, etc., that provide this service for the Church.
This is one fruit of the Second Vatican Council. The Council Fathers desired that all Catholics take personal responsibility for learning about the Faith. They're doing it! They regularly bring in speakers to help them group in their faith. This is the sort of group that needs to be encouraged and supported by priests and religious. More than that. We need to promote them. These groups are a perfect staging ground for the New Evangelization.
I would encourage you to join a group like this in your area. If there isn't one (or a good one), start one. Don't be afraid, God will bless your work. It is His will that our faith is not individualistic. It is supposed to be lived in the context of communities.
We can't just be pew-sitters. We need to take an active part in the evangelical work of the Church. These groups are an easy and fun way to do just that.